Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gamefisher to the rescue...

It defies logic that Robin would have continue using that method after seeing that it took 3 shots to have supposidly kill his daughter then to do it in the most awkard manner with out taking the silencer off. On top of that he has meant to hold the rifle away from his head severly reducing the accuracy of aim. It is also doubful if he ever had a chance to practise that manouver as he had limited access to the rifle. What people should have taken from the Irish expert demo was just how very awkard and difficult it was and not that it was posible and very remotely at that.

Quotegamefisher (687 ) 8:26 pm, Tue 24 Aug #22793

Thanks for that gamefisher. It's great to know that 2 people in the world, you and the equally sad, sad kennard, have explained how Robin missed shooting himself in the head. You say it was because he had no practice, sad linzbo says it was because he (linzbo) talked to other, (un-named)people who also couldn't manage to shoot themselves in the head, for verification. You guys should be so proud, I'm actually thinking of a joint Moron of the Week award for you both. Perhaps, you'd like to forward a photo of yourselves holding hands. It'll be such fun I might even ask for copies of dcameron's private photos as special gift for you both along with the customary choclates and roses.

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