Friday, February 8, 2013

Hate-siters, lost in Paradise.

Since 2008 I have been crossing swords with the hate-sites. I think I'm fairly qualified to describe their tactics and that which brings them together in a single word: hate. Most people have a line of restraint, a point they seldom would go past, a point at which they might disassociate themselves from their fellows having felt things had gone too far. Young men, particularly troubled young men often have few boundaries to their behaviour and seek out others who are like minded. Time, or experiences, maturity, self awareness often bring home restraints and the ability to withdraw from social circles were boundaries are few and far between and where expected codes of conduct are violence, law breaking or drug taking and so on.

So who would the average hate-siter be? Typically older, not extremely bright and with a 'right' to act immorally in any number of ways. Probably foremost lying, then personal attacks. Just two quick characteristics until someone looks a little deeper. The hate-siters campaign is "Justice' for the dead Robin Bain and broadly the 'victims.' Of course the hangbainers in supporting the victims have no qualms about rubbishing Robin's wife and his daughters to the point of calling them liars and so on in such a fashion that it could be said the hate-siters victimise the victims. But lying is the interesting word, they call the victims liars. The call David Bain a liar, in fact everybody not agreeing with them is a liar. By virtue of the opposition to the 'cause,' all being liars, then it appears it is important that the hate-siters identify them, their families and associates where ever possible. The next bit is difficult to accept but easy to explain, because everyone else are apparently liars and that the hangers are not liars themselves, but in fact sort of apostles for the dead Robin and his family, who also happen to be liars - then it okay for the 'gifted ones' to lie themselves. If they didn't lie the real liars would get away with telling lies and therefore they would be persecuting the dead father. Of course the 'relationship' with the dead father was important but not as important as being a 'right thinking New Zealander.'

Being right thinking is actually the right to first of all lie, and then to stalk opponents. Part of that 'enlightenment' is to show no concern for other 'sisters' breaking the law or lying. In 4 years I've never seen a hate-siter distance themselves from the action of other hate-siters. No other part of society, apart possibly from gangs, willingly accepts the behavior of law breaking and other social codes. It's the Law of the Cult at work. People (cults) who hold to a concept that they are right and that everyone else is wrong, so allowing them to justify the actions of themselves personally and others whom they 'associate' with. The personal attacks are the 'acting out' of being right, the victims of this 'acting out' are not actually victims at all but a type of collateral not to be distinguished in any human way apart from their relationship with the 'target' liar. This is the dispassion of psychopathy,  the ability to be unable to see a victim as anything other than a 'target' in a greater war, whether that victim is involved directly against 'the cause,' or not, it doesn't matter. Landing 'hit's on the personalities of the opposition is in some weird way accounting for what is 'wrong' or what 'fails' in the persecutors argument. In short, targeting the opposition, proves the argument of the demented few. Well, at least in their own small minds. Small minds in which  one hate-participant feeds off the other, but never distances them self from errant behaviour, never, never, never - because the ability to discern right from wrong is lost in being 'right.' Nothing exists other than being right, it becomes their very existence and the reason why the hate-campaigners supporting the late David Bain keep re-appearing using new names or new guises and apparently unaware of the obvious - that there are only a few members of the sites that remain, and of that few  have been able to moderate their behaviour, so much so that the case is there are few nominees as to who each 'new' person or 'attacker' might be. While the sisters appear to whole heartedly believe they are right, they also whole heartedly believe that they don't identify themselves or one another as they play their only tune, lie and hunt.


  1. Well Spoken Nos
    These hate siters are a joke, think they are always right and have to twist and 'spin' the facts as well as inventing new 'evidence' which generally isn't in dispute in order to convince themselves. Their total arrogance is unbelievable!

  2. However, what is even more unbelievable is that Collins, according to these hate siters, has bought into their spin, and has accepted their correspondence. Her arrogance and ignorance will be her downfall.
