Thursday, October 4, 2012

CounterSpin: Countersunk?

Old Kenty must have been beside himself when he dreamed up the idea of riding into Parliament on a campaign of twisting the truth. The fact that he was an opportunist doesn't count against him, because opportunism is, and can be a treasured asset. But a person has to think about what an 'opportunity' really is, the core of the opportunity, whether they want to embrace it and if it will fly.

Make no mistake Kent Parker wasn't the first person to begin spreading 'spin' about the Bain case, that happened long before his involvement and arose out of the precincts of the Dunedin Police as early as 1994. We got the paper run 'alibi,' the photo of David carried from the scene and the later presentation that his shock and bewilderment was 'acting,' that the murder weapon was smeared in blood, that Robin Bain had no  injuries, that the suicide 'scene' had been carefully constructed by an off beat youth whose extended family had wiped their hands of, a computer message, witchcraft and a list of other things as it turns out too bizarre to be true. That has been the cross roads for Parker and his hate-site members, they believed without clinical observation, they believed because they wanted to, and that by believing could promote themselves above others unable to clearly see the truth, the facts, the 'simplicity' of it all.

Anyone who has children knows that as they develop, learn reasoning, they no longer accept things on face value, in fact they enjoy in most circumstances grappling with the feasibility of things in order to understand the mechanics, physics or human nature of events as part of the natural curiosity that drives us along. Sometimes of course that curiosity drives us in the wrong direction, most often because of personal make-up, upbringing, environment and so on. In the modern world most of those impediments to clear reasoning can be left behind, brain function and progressiveness endures into old age so that a person matures - perhaps also matures from a previous lifestyle, or environment or lifestyle choices. It is at this point that show how odd Parker and his cohorts are. They brought no discernment or logic to their decisions, well, certainly not with David Bain.

Even now it is plain to see, for the remaining few of them, that they still don't realise they were used. That they were seen as gullible, able to be influenced and used by others in order to sell the failed campaign of injustice against David Bain. In time they fit back in the early years of childhood, gobbling up spell binding stories of horror, one with real and living characters to it, they can listen to all such things and be, like the author, or story teller - a white knight emerging through the darkness. This despite the reality that the true story was before them at all times, and the narrator, as narrators will want to do, was leading them down a path so that when they emerged it was into darkness and scripted as villains and ogres.

Most of us have a point in time when we may feel sorry for the bewilderment of an adversary, even when that adversary has acted with deceit and malice in all that they've done. Sorry, perhaps, because the way that person sees them is in conflict with reality, the world, how others will view them. It was never a noble cause to spread hate about David Bain, it was never a noble cause to hungrily swallow all ill spoken of him and ignore facts instead. It was never commendable to speak of understanding things that couldn't be understood or didn't make sense by harbouring a view that the holder of the truth was enlightened and those that resisted must be struck down in some way.

I suspect that Kent Parker never had the character to be concerned that what he was doing might be wrong and hurting others. I think he is one of those real individuals who have no ability to reason compassion, to be restrained on a matter until being sure, and even then, if proceeding, not to so in a way that hurts others or promotes others being hurt. But you can see why he drew in so many nutters, because if they believed he didn't question them. He gave them a home, men and women who at first appeared quite reasonable, and reasoning but who soon got lost in themselves, their own inadequacies and bitterness.

Many have left Parker and the crusade of a few bent cops and their media pals behind, good on them for that because obviously the truth of this case has become more and more apparent. However, a few hang in, and they're not the brightest. One most recently has offered to 'peer review.' Justice Binnie's decision, this is  a guy who has 'studied' the case for years and 'shows' it by still sprouting some of the obvious spin now many years outdated. Of course despite the hate-siters generally saying that they would accept the Binnie decision and in fact were looking forward to it, many have now turned sour. Some are going to write to the 'Minister' no doubt to tell the Minister the truth as they see it or have been told. These of course are the same people who had their submissions returned to them unopened, and who are probably seen as nutters even in Parliament. Their accusations that Binnie may not have written his own report but that 'someone' else may have, conspiracies abound and I imagine that nutter in particular considers that Joe Karam or some other some how wrote the report.

In all it just shows how tragic and pathetic these people are. One or two of my correspondents consider them to also be dangerous and I suppose they are because that have certainly threatened all sorts of violence in the past - however they seem more like turtles on their backs, at the moment, that need righting and being led to water. The exception is of course is that the legendary turtle wins the race so in fact the hate-siters are the flash Harry's who with 5 minutes of experience from swallowing a few mouthfuls of bs lay in the glare of their own importance, while the turtle, always to task - wins the race.


  1. The fool who knows one’s own folly,
    is wise at least to that extent;
    but the fool who thinks oneself wise is really a fool.
    The Buddha

  2. Excellent post, this JFRB group is just a media witchhunt by some idiots who seem to believe that they have a more qualified 'opinion' of that David is guilty than Justice Binnie, the retrial Jury and the privy council! What a joke!!
