Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kent Parker: Can he escape his own trap.

Foresight wouldn't be one of Kent's strong suits, well not cleverly applied foresight able to predict consequences and likely events. He operates more with the fundamental belief of getting people to accept something and not worry that they'll eventually see through the pretence. To that end he must have the right sort of people around him, those that believe blindly, but more importantly, those prepared to 'believe' again once Kent has invariable found himself out.

On the 18th of July this year, Kent under pressure, told the High Court in Auckland he would be retaining Counsel in the next few days. This was in response to the Court wishing to schedule and time-table a trial. He indicated that not only would he retain advice, but also counsel to act on his behalf. After many delays, and attempted side-steps, Kent Parker finally accepted that he needed representation. This of course despite him having regarded himself as an expert on defamation, along with earlier claiming that he had an expert defamation lawyer advising and assisting him. Like everything with Kent, what he first set out was far from the truth, even now,  when cornered into agreeing that he would retain a lawyer, who could have any confidence that he will?

That isn't the only problem. It would be a fair bet that if Kent were to commission a lawyer there is no guarantee that the lawyer will be more willing to do anything other than advise Kent to settle if he can. Advise him to look to mitigate his circumstances by repeating the admissions of Parker on the 18th of July that he,  Kent Parker, didn't really know what he was doing. Of course ignorance of the Law is no defence and straight out ignorance even less so. Thus far, with the way the cards have fallen to impact on Kent, Vic and the follower big mouths, all the boasts and derision - ignorance is shaping up as probably the only option. The Court have allowed Vic and Kent a little leeway because of their obvious problems. However, any lawyer acting for them will have no such luxury or even be inclined to seek the Court to entertain such stupidity as one that words have various meanings.  Equalling, therefore, that the various meanings Joe might have taken from being called a crook, a nazi, knowing David was guilty etc, clearly don't have only the obvious meanings but rather ones the defendants are still searching to find..

I expect Kent is already at work trying to overcome the hurdles he set himself. The first is a beaut, trying to prove that he's not really an idiot even though he has more or less admitted that to the Court as he tried to find a way out of his predicament. A wiser idiot than Kent might realise he is better just to accept the fact that everybody thinks he is an idiot anyway, so he has nothing to gain or lose in the idiot stakes. That would be a simpler choice for Kent and a simpler situation to accept for the lawyer. The lawyer would not then need to listen to a whole lot of crap and Kent's various interpretations of why he hasn't been defamatory of Karam. That he was in fact speaking the truth, or a version of it which was betrayed by people not looking behind the complexity of words, such as fraudulent, to accept that saying someone is fraudulent can possibly be construed as something other than an allegation that they're a crook.

Boy, he's got his work cut out. I mean the lawyer - trying to make some sense of anything that Kent has said that might have a legitimate defence. So I have my doubts that any lawyer will want to take the case on unless Kent is able to use some common sense and accept the obvious inevitable conclusion - that he defamed Joe Karam personally, and was the publisher of other defamatory claims. But if that can't be achieved,  or if he simply can't find a lawyer prepared to support the hopeless defence already filed? My suggestion is that if he can't, he'd better be able to furnish good proof that he made a legitimate effort to do so or the Court might find him In Contempt. and off to gaol he goes.

Everybody is entitled to a defence, but not entitled to indulgences for things that on one hand could be called bizarre, while on the other simply been seen as having a go in a manner which is Contempt of due process. No body made Kent Parker say the things he did, nobody made Kent Parker publish defamatory comment of others - it was all his own free will, attended at the time with the bravado - that Karam wouldn't dare sue, because Kent and the other dick heads had proof of their claims, or that it was honestly held opinion that might be held by a reasonable person on reasonable grounds. So a line has to be drawn, the case has to get down to business and be pushed on whether the defendants are moon bats or not.

So far there have been lots of stories inside stories with Kent Parker and the hate-siters, this is another interesting one from my point of view. Karam has done everything possible to get this case to trial while Parker has done exactly the opposite. Now however, Kent is beholding to an undertaking he gave the Court. His credibility is on the line, is he fact a reasonable man that got diverted by ignorance of the law whilst being jollied along by a bunch of nutters and broom flyers? Or is he somebody who holds the Court in Contempt and is willing to demonstrate so once again? We should know the answer to that by 19th September if not sooner.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe he started out with a lawyer. My guess is that lawyer was fired after telling Kent he didn't have a defense and to settle. That was back when Kent was saying how much he knew about defending a defamation case such as his one. Now he admits he knows nothing about it? Well, well, well.
