How thick can you possibly be?
You want the blogs stopped because they're unhelpful to the case against you? You're trying to help Karam? Sure.
Have you figured it out yet, you morons?
But on another point I'm enjoying the newer revelations of the stalking now being posted on Beyond's Blog. No wonder panic besets you and the stalker team. And Taylor's little whiny voice in the background talking about children on a site whose members stalked both parents and children and made false complaints to the authorities. You're such idiots you didn't understand you were caught months and months ago, it only slowly dawns on you now. How appropriate that you 'fiddled' while your hate-sites burned.
You can be sure Nos, I am only posting the mild comments from the Counterspinners. I've saved the best ones for a special ocassion, they would make even your hair curl!