Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well, I'm not amazed and disappointed Annette. Actually, I'm pretty pleased.

Re: Trademe Bannings
by guilty on Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:25 am

I'd be amazed and disappointed if Ro was reading here.
I've gone to huge lengths to try and ensure the only people here, are people who I either personally know, are well known on TM, or have been good posters on the old freeforum, that I have emailed and asked if they want to join here.

I would not be surprised if Ro etc are still reading at the forum "davidbain.freeforums.org , short of deleting all members there and getting them to reregister, there is no way of keeping them out, however that forum has now been set up so new members need to be authorised, and I did have a cull (to use an unfortunate word) of a few I was suspicious of, and I'm not authorising any new members there.

The way I see it is, the old forum is a great place to check resources, but this place is safer with no trolls.
I have no doubt that Ro and her ilk are members of JFRB, and I'm becomin reluctant to post there using my real name, and many others are not members of counterspin, so see this forum as a secure place where only people who believe Robin Bain is innocent will post, plus it's a way for those banned from TM can keep in touch, we seem to be being picked off one by one at Tm to be banned.

If you know anyone who wants to join here, let me know what name they want to use, and I can authorise them, I have not been letting anyone in whose name I did not recognise.
It would be good to get some of the new posters at TM to join here.
Site Admin

Posts: 274
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:58 pm


  1. Really, could the woman have made a bigger fool of herself, as everyone knows, nothing put on the internet is private. There will always be a record acessible by someone. In this case, it happened to be the entire population of google users. I hope she has enough money to pay everyone's court fines.

  2. Sorry Annette, we didn't have to join there, as you suggest, we could see what you were doing without joining.

  3. I do think it's a pity they know we were peeking and then closed the site. What are we going to have to laugh at, once we stop laughing at this?

  4. Thanks for the discount annie baby, sorry to have to inform you I won't be coughing up for your begging fund. $15 goes a long way these days. A lot further for example than the security on your safe site.

  5. Laughing at you asked, 'what are we going to laugh at, once we stop laughing at this?'

    Don't worry, they've probably already thought of something.
