Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What the Minister and Police will need to consider in their next report.

Further Bain evidence that the Police and Minister need to be mindful of when considering the two lines shown on Robin Bain's thumb in a photo taken before his body was removed from the scene.


(The following are high resolution photos supplied by the defence to David Giles after his inquiries to them. In the following script (edited in part by me) are the comments by David Giles in reference to the further discoveries he made having high quality photos available to him. The shock to me, is that Giles has made the case of Robin as perpetrator easy to follow and without the until now 'necessary' preponderance of words, legal arguments and accusations and counter accusations. The absolute evidence-solution was always going to be found in the lounge, taken from right under the noses of investigators and defenders alike. This takes nothing from the work of Joe Karam, it advances it however. To my mind David Giles has introduced, or shown how to introduce an 'escape' from having a particular 'position' or defending against one - a thoughtful and inquiring approach not weighed by seeking to endorse or deny a model already set. His work advances the openness of the Privy Council decision to possibilities yet to be established, and the work of Binnie in trimming the fat and it's produced by virtue of a photo that offers each of us, with an open mind, to look into the lounge of Every Street that morning and at the hands of Robin Bain. All of my comment in brackets, the rest being those of David Giles.)



The ‘not quite’ parallel lines …
The parallel lines of course stick out like… well like a sore thumb. There are going to be forensic reports from both the DB camp & the police on these lines, so I don’t think I need to add anything further, except to clarify something- the lines are not parallel. The magazine is warped, therefore the thumb lines are similarly warped. I’m sure the police forensics report will pick up on this basic fact.
The warping is the main cause of the rifle misfiring thus it certainly made Stephens death particularly gruesome.

Is there more ?….
So aside from the almost parallel lines, what else can we see in Robin’s hand? A fair bit as it turns out.
Firstly let’s look at that dark smudge in the meaty part of his palm. Most crime scene investigation manuals will tell you to be on the lookout for dark smudges on the hands of the victim/suicidee. When I showed this to somebody else they wondered if this wasn’t just lividity, but this patch stands out from the other blotchiness on Robin’s hand. It also contains an interesting round white patch and a distinct line. Can you see it? I’ve left a clue in the picture of the magazine if you haven’t quite spotted it yet.


Then there is this residual staining on another part of his palm. It looks remarkably like very dilute blood.

Magazine Insertion Marks?


No doubt the passionate supporters of Robin will be scoffing at the above smudges and staining. Fair enough, but there is a construction taking part here, with elements supporting one another in  the overall context.

Consider other possible actions associated with handling the magazine. What about inserting the magazine into the firearm itself? Would that leave any marks?

Take a look at these screenshots from the TV3 program.

The first photo show the person’s right hand inserting the magazine into the rifle.
Note Well #1
His thumb appears to be covering the hole in the side of the magazine. Thus perhaps we might expect to see a circular mark on Robin’s thumb that matches the diameter of the hole in the side of the magazine.
 Yes they’re there alright, faint but distinct. See 2 little circles overlapping slightly. According to my measurements  they exactly match the little hole on the side of the magazine, but for any sceptics out there, please fiddle with the pictures yourself: let me know if you think I have screwed this up. Remembering of course the overall picture in which these issues are linked, considering it, if you will, as a circumstantial chain of evidence showing who loaded and fired the rifle that morning.

Note Well # 2


The person inserting the magazine into the firearm uses the palm of his hand to push up against the bottom of the magazine. It’s highly likely that much of the upward force would be applied through the bottom back corners of the magazine. Thus perhaps we might expect to see some marks in Robin’s palm that match the width of the bottom of the magazine. This dimension is different from the parallel lips at the top of the magazine.


So taking another look at Robins palm… 2 marks that exactly match the width of the bottom of the magazine.




The photo contains 3 distinct marks each appears to be associated with a different handling action on the magazine.

1)      The almost-parallel lines on Robin’s thumb appear to exactly match the loading lips of the magazine. If confirmed then it is fair to assume Robin loaded bullets into the magazine.

2)      Two small overlapping circles appear to exactly match the hole diameter on the side of the magazine. If this is confirmed it is reasonable to assume that Robin had his thumb compressed against this hole as he inserted the magazine into the rifle.

3)      A pair of marks in Robins palm appear to exactly match the bottom width of the magazine. If confirmed it is reasonable to assume that  these marks were made by Robin pushing his palm up against the bottom rear corners of the magazine as he inserted it into the rifle.


In addition to these marks, the photograph shows dark smudging that could be associated with powder residue; there is also staining that appears consistent with residual dilute blood. It is possible that Robin rinsed blood off his hands probably with cold water sometime that morning. (Note here other previously distributed photos which have shown blood wash on Robin's palms, and remember the blood soaked towel in the laundry with Robin's blood on it.) 

The fact that there are 3 distinct marking patterns, each appearing to match different parts of the magazine; each associated with different actions, make it important that the photograph of Robin Bain's hands is fully analysed by forensic experts. 
(Editor's Final Note: David Giles says 'overwhelmingly certain.' Readers here are invited to consider that the case against David Bain is gone, that it in fact never existed. From a particular point in the future {soon I imagine} all legal proceedings in which David Bain is involved in any way shape or form will be on the basis of his complete innocence, there will no longer be room for arguments of 'not guilty' but not innocent - a travesty is in the process of being destroyed and from which much must be learned.)




  1. Naughty Nostalgia, I'm thinking the latest CS line will be that these photos have been 'photoshopped' in order to show these lines.
    Who do these idiots think there trying to fool? looking forward to next months trial of KP!

  2. Will the experts for the police, investigating the marks, be aware of the 2 other pieces of evidence shown here?
