Monday, March 9, 2020

North and South lays it on the line over Lundy case.

The latest North and South magazine article by Mike White (March 2020) is an in-depth investigation into the Lundy case. It's called 'Anatomy of a Scandal' and states that the story will make you question our justice system.
It's around a 2-hour read. There is much startling information in it, too much to reveal here but 2 of the strongest things which struck me was the finding on a second search a bracelet in Mark's car, one which friends of Christine's said was not hers. Mark innocently told police that it was Christine's probably about as observant as most men when it comes to clothes or jewelry. It was too small for Christine as it turns out, but the disturbing factor is like in the Scott Watson case, the 'extra' searches to find the highly visible bracelet right in the middle of the front seat, are like 2 blond hairs in a sea of much shorter brown hairs which took many, many searches to find in a lab.
The second strong issue is how our courts blocked much defence evidence from experts giving uncontroversial evidence such as fuel-consumption on a vehicle similar to Lundys, only to allow the Crown to produce 2 different types of junk science, and throw 1 type out after the retrial and then say it had no impact on the Jury in the second Lundy trial. How could they know that? Mind readers?
Whether you believe Lundy may be guilty or not it is every citizen's business that he has never had a fair trial or indeed there was never a fair investigation. I'll let Mark have the last say on that from a letter quoted in the article and written just before Christmas: "'Somewhere out there is a man with a particular Y-STR DNA profile ......A guy who left fingerprints and a palm print in our house, who has a wry smile on his face this Christmas. The Supreme Court gave him a very special present.'
It's not right folks.