Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Maybe Cookingwithgas gets it now.

Probably not. The concept that David Bain has been found not guilty, and therefore hate-siters can't spread their message of 'love' by claiming that David executed his family without it being defamatory is a little hard for them to comprehend. Fortunately, Trade Me has declined the opportunity for Cookingwithgas to spread her 'love' further.

Now it just needs the idiot 'Jeeves' to understand that defaming Karam doesn't mean that Karam needs to be named. I'm sure he'll get the message soon that Trade Me don't want to be responsible for Jeeve's hate campaign with its defamation and harassment.


  1. As she has shown she reads here, she may learn someting. That is if her comprehension skills improve a whole lot.

  2. I haven't read at TM for months, it's hardly a compliment to them that they've let this sort of stuff start again - though I give them credit for taking action against CWG, a cackling hyena and liar. I assume TM will be more on their toes to stop the cyber harassment of David - but the best way would be to get rid of all the sisters, Jeeves and game fisher included.

    I guess TM had to 'pull and drag' gasbag off to the asylum again - I pity the other patients having to put up with the smell.

  3. CWG is like a petulant child, stamping her foot and insisting something is not, what it is. Damned if I'd eat where she cooks, she'd probably try to pass old goat off as lamb.

    1. I can handle petulant children, even shonky cooks, but 5 or more years of harassment and persecution of Bain, no way she needs to get use to being wrong - she's a head case, a shrieking harridan.

  4. This POS seems to have about as much brains as KP and Muggins, it appears that statements such as 'no evidence against Daddy' better translate to 'I can't explain the evidence therefore it doesn't exist' also 'unexplained' translates to the explanation doesn't fit my fantasy theory of what I 'know' happened so its 'unexplained'
    Have you seen Kents latest ramblings on CS? the man is a loon!

    1. No, I haven't been reading any of Kent's fantasy stories lately. I've been busy taking bets on whether he can actually out bullshit a 400kg bull called Rufus we have in the top paddock when Kent has his brief trail for defamation this year. The odds, surprisingly enough, is the skinny white madman that looks like Perkins in the 'Psycho' movie, can out bs Rufus. What with that, and old gas bag, it's expected that the main Courtroom in the Auckland High Court won't be habitable for non madmen and madwomen (bless their souls, and smelly bottoms) for nigh on a decade. 10 years, which in fact, may well coincide with Kent's release from psychiatric care, and gas bum providing a commercial smelly gas source.

    2. Somebody has removed it. Does that mean that there is at least one brain cell still operating amongst that lot?
