Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Did Kenty get some more bad news?

Excerpts from the latest rantings of 'Kiwi' Kent.

I am angry. I am not angry at the prospect of legal action and costs with the defamation suit before me, but with having my right to express myself publicly, about an event that affects the whole community, taken from me. This is one of the rights that my grandfather fought for in the First World War and which I have learnt that I should keep fighting for. So I will. The media are telling me that they cannot report on the activities of The Justice for Robin Bain Group or counterspin for fear of defamation action. One media outlet is even being sued for writing a story on us. This is a step too far.

Kent claiming that he is not angry about the legal action he faces - when plainly he is. He claims that his grandfather fought for 'Kent's' rights to defame during the first World War. Well, any justification Kent would use he surely would. From all reports 'Kiwi' Kent isn't a Kiwi at all, the same goes for a number of his 'followers.' Like a lot of NZers I had ancestors fighting in the NZ wars, on both sides, enlisted to fight in the Boer War, the first and second World Wars, I can't say with any clarity what each of their reasons were, some simply enlistment - none, I feel confident enough to say to promote the right for Parker and the twisted sisters to spread persecution and hate, if anything the exact opposite.

But what is plain from the above is that Kent has 'lost' the willing ears of the press, he doesn't realise that he's now considered an oddity and a nutter. His claims that the Court action against him effects the whole community are just nonsense, because few in the community are motivated enough, or stupid enough, to publicly defame others and expect nothing to happen.

I'll address this blog post to you, Karam, since I know that your minions gather up all the alleged "evidence" for you and email it to you and you obsessively file it into countless ring binders all neatly numbered and indexed.

Could it be that Kent is exasperated because his defence is not only misconceived, but also messy and disordered, that causes him to be frustrated that Karams is 'all neatly numbered and indexed.'

I am not one to get hot under the collar and pick a fight. I am known to be reticent and mild mannered, but after eighteen months of your incommunicative and oppressive legal action, I have had enough. Your legal suit, as I have said before, is improper, because it has no place in this community. Here we revere and nurture freedom and rights of expression.

Dear Kenty says he's not one to get hot under the collar and pick a fight. But by his writing we see he is hot under the collar - steaming in fact. He says he didn't pick a fight, when in fact he organised a campaign against Karam, Bain, and others that went to the extent of being unlawful. He chose to criminally stalk people, harass and threatened them for the great dream he believes his grandfather created for him - a type of immunity for himself from the law, and a destruction of nzers on the basis of hate and rumour.

But if you do not even sit down and listen to or read what is being demonstrated to you, then how can you find out if you are wrong or not? Instead you take a hammer to the opposition and deal with them as forcefully as possible. You did the same with Rosemary McLeod as you are doing with us. Surely even some of your own supporters would find this a bit extreme.

Kent has this recent fixation with sitting down, he thinks that Karam just needs to sit down and consider carefully that being called a Nazi and having his reputation brought into disrepute, his simply a matter of course. He continues to labour under the impression that he knows all about the Bain case, more than anybody else in fact despite having proved the opposite 100s of times. He deliberately, along with his few supporters, ignores facts like an idiot monkey would do and then simply repeats the lie lodged in the great gap between their ears. That's Kenty's problem, not Karams. He didn't give Kent leeway for being a misinformed idiot, but he did warn him. I seem to recall that I might have warned him myself, but he scoffed and now chokes. He should take his own advice and sit down, frankly consider what an idiot he is. It may not make any difference because I believe idiocy isn't a fleeting condition, but he could go through the motions - perhaps while on the outhouse.

Your defamation suit is also vexatious because you do not really want it to go to trial. You do not want a trial because you do not want your activities in relation to the Bain case, or the influences you had on the 2009 retrial jury, such as what is documented on this site, made public. You just hope that we will get bogged down in legal costs and complexities and give up. Well, that's not going to happen.

He keeps saying the suit is vexatious, but plainly the Courts don't think so. They've in fact informed him that he hasn't provided a proper defence despite Karam's counsel trying teach him how to spell and inviting him nicely to stop picking your nose. I think that advice costs about $20 per minute and that's probably upsets him - all the people he thought would be impressed, think he's probably deluded, just like his writing shows.

Your defamation action is puerile and stupid. I retain the right to say that, and when it is all over I will be publishing many of the comments we made which you claim are defamatory so the public can see just how puerile and stupid it is. Your only purpose here is to attempt to shut us up. So, in response, I personally will make it my duty to ensure that as many people as possible read the contents of this website. I will be promoting it wherever I go in as many forms as I can. You will be surprised at the places I might end up finding myself in. Any number of the 600 members of the Justice for Robin Bain Group, which covers the entire country, will be doing the same or similar. I firmly believe with all the power invested in me by my education and upbringing, that the contents of this website are legitimate and truthful and I will fight, like my grandfather did, to retain my right to express it. I will never surrender.

I suspect Kent had tears in his eyes when he wrote that. A man full of self pity. Who claims he will never surrender when he already has - surrendered to stupidity when a common sense solution was offered to him. He appears to be closer than he realises to be heading to prison, publishing public threats like this when the case is before the Courts. We could see a motion seeking a conviction for Contempt of Court lodged anytime, or even the Court taking the step on its own volition.

This is a politial / social issue and we have the right to discuss it. I am not going to wait for any judgment from a jury in any defamation trial to determine that. I am going to use my own judgment about whether or not it should be disseminated, by acting now. I will have 10,000 signatures on the counterspin petition before the Minister of Justice announces the result of the compensation bid and I will do what I can to get into whatever media spotlights I can to promote our side of the story. You have no idea what I can do.

More threats. A projection that the Bain case is political, when in fact it is a criminal case.  An implication that either Parker or Karam are politicians, or politically motivated - more nonsense from a desperate man. Though it is to be admitted that Kent Parker at one stage believed he was so popular that he would start a political party and contest the last election, that is until the crap started drying on his chin.

You cannot sue everybody. I, and the other members of the Justice for Robin Bain Group will make it especially hard work for you to continue to peddle what we consider are extremely distorted views of the facts of the Bain case. I do not begrudge David his Not Guilty verdict. Well done. But the verdict is too unsafe for the kinds of conclusions that you continue to promote and our job is to ensure that your arguments are balanced up with suitably opposing ones and thus create a more balanced perspective for the public to consume.

More unbalanced nonsense and threats. If I were a confidant of Parker I would be concerned of Warrants for Arrest and Seizure being sworn because, although Parker sees interference in the Judicial Process as legit, the Courts don't. Parker has thought it his right to spread propaganda about the Bain case and now about his own case. I see a relationship between the 2, and those that fed Parker the lies or carried out his stalking and public harassment might now more clearly see the danger their actions have brought - and the danger that is a cornered and desperate Kent Parker is to them, and in the wider picture to Justice within this Country.


  1. Now, let me see if I understand this.... Kent is hopping mad because newspapers won't publish defamatory statements on his behalf? Because they won't publish links to his defamatory sites?
    Has he stopped long enough to wonder if perhaps they don't wish to be associated with him and his band of misinformed loonies?

    Well, well, well our media is far more wise than I ever gave them credit for.

    1. When you look at his last rant, if his media reports are anything like that, I'm not surprised they don't want to publish them. What a waste of space (both his article and him)

  2. No, he hasn't stopped long enough to consider why the papers will no longer print his defamation. The newspapers are under pressure, some sued in fact, for giving entry into the media by Parker and the sick bunch of individuals he represents. Of course anyone could argue that the papers are now being responsible whereas earlier they were not, but we should not forget their role is in reporting facts rather than crap that falls from the mouths of those whose only ambition is to spread hate.
    The media willingly gave Parker wind, because it was controversial, perhaps representing a 'groundswell' of opinion when in reality it was lies and deceit - they should have checked that out. Not relied on idiots like van beynan to faithfully investigate and report on a case that he willingly fed omissions in an effort to defeat the course of justice, write the builder's blocks for those individuals that tasked themselves to frame David Bain and later promote persecution agains him in order to hide their criminality.
    The media are not wise in this case. They have not thought of anything other than headlines, never bothered to consume themselves with understanding this case before entertaining the foul wind of Parker, O Brien, Curran, Williams and others.
    But anyway, this story unfolds - here in NZ. The case is real, a man falsely imprisoned for the deaths of his family when all carefully considered evidence was to the contrary. For Parker, and the other wretched sods, things just begin, soon they might realise David Bain was blameless of any crime, found not guilty in fact, while the dogs of doom are now called to task. Parker sought fame and has found infamy that will continue to fall on the steps of all the hate-siters and twisted sisters, and I shall watch.

  3. I find many of Kent's posts reflect the arguments people have used against his actions. The example of fighting in World War I was used to emphasise how our ancestors fought to prevent groups like his from removing the right for a free individual to enjoy their life. Kent is merely caught in a cycle of reflection. Perhaps as a partly trained psychologist, he might like to do a bit of self analysis about the role of reflection in the disturbed psyche.

    1. There must be a name for his condition, someone totally unable to recognise their own faults and mistakes. Soon we may see missives smuggled out from prison where Kent is blaming both the imprisoning Judge, Karam and additionally the world.

  4. the only person sounding puerile and stupid is Kent Parker himself. That's the biggest load of crap that he's ever written.

    1. I wouldn't go so far as saying that. He's quite accomplished at writing big loads of crap, but I agree this ranks up there. He's made threats before, but not quite in this manner and with such fury.

  5. 600 members of the JRBG
    10,000 signatures
    the fool is certifiably insane
