Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kennard and Stockdale's tactics laid bare....

I number those below for ease in identifying characteristics and repetition of the tactics used by Kennard as the expert, which allowed Stockdale to reinforce and labour the 'facts' that never existed.

Ah you have returned to "show the love" As to my source that is I'm afraid "for my eyes only" but is very reliable and in forensics, that plus a touch of common sense. There was never any thought of a sexual element to the deaths so no need to examine David for evidence of sexual activity. From memory he had showered after the paper run and before the washing, but I am happy to be corrected. Let me make it very very clear, I DO NOT believe there was a sexual element to the deaths. Genital swabbing is done in cases where sexual offences are suspected or where the investigation is into a sexual violation as female DNA maybe found linking the suspect to the Complainant. Finally the oral swab that is the least invasive method of obtaining DNA, the skin of the inner cheek is very soft and readily returns skin cells for testing, the other method is by blood sample.
Even Scott Watson whom police acknowledge they were intending to charge with rape and murder only ever gave a blood test
I accept it was eight days later, but there is no evidence Scott had showered or bathed in the day,
linz4me (282 ) 6:53 pm, Mon 17 Jan #31412

linz4me wrote:

cybernana wrote:
We are not discussing Scott Watson. Did your 'source' or 'common sense' tell you this, then? Because neither of them are reliable sources.It seems that first morning they were certainly looking at David as suspect, and in a sexual context.
The deposition of Dr Pryde from the first trial, quote follows verbatim...
"I obtained swabs from him from his urethral, the glands penis and the penile shaft".

Now Scott is some one who is innocent, and cyber when you copy this to the nos blog, don't let him put too much strain on the one brain cell he has that still functions. The half chewed horse manure falling out of his mouth is so far from the truth as is possible. I spoke of Scott as his arrest and trial were four years later the David Bain and the alleged swabs and he did not go through the process instead was asked for and agreed to give a blood sample. Nos's comments regarding me being told to go away by Chris. I know who the person is nos has mistaken me for. and can say without fear of contradiction that I have not been in the North Island since January 1993, and am not nor ever have been a veterinarian but I can get the person nos mistakes me for to give him [nos] a thorough examination which may explain why he [nos] is talking what is usually excreted at the other end of the torso by those with an IQ higher than an empty water glass.
linz4me (282 ) 10:27 pm, Mon 17 Jan #31417

Robin Bain has siblings who have been deeply hurt by the false allegations made made for instance Karam claim the if the blood spots on his hoodie were tested they would reveal dna and blood from other members of the deceased family. The large number of spots made tested all uneconomic so a random sample was taken, approximate 1sample to 4spots none of the returned DNA or blood from other members of the family ALL were from Robin Bain in fact the only person found with DNA on him that was not his own was David. Karam was well aware of the test results of the spots when the reprint of David and Goliath was done. I believe a man of integrity would have righted the incorrect information in the reprint. He didn't, he knowingly, it would appear, allowed false and misleading information to be republished as if it was true. Karam took up David's case on the condition that he received 50% of all book royalties and compensation. In other words he has a financial interest in winning. By way of contrast Keith Hunter has mortgaged his home and gone out on a limb to fight the conviction of Scott Watson and has deliberately never met or even spoken to him and has NO financial arrangement to receive any reimbursement for the time and effort he has put into the investigation. He has done it pro bono as have Greg King and Mike Antunovic. Hunter has no financial interest in "winning" just the satisfaction of have helped some one who has had a bum rap.
by linz4me on 03:04 pm, 02 Jun 2010

14853. The swab for DNA is simply a swab on the inside of the mouth on the cheek muscles and the swab will contain skin and saliva both of which contain DNA but at that time was sometimes supplemented with a blood spot in the manner of diabetes sugar level testing. So the test was invasive, a pin prick on the finger tip, and intimate, a swab in the mouth. There is sufficient blood in the heel test done to all new born babies to yield DNA, this was the method used in the Sounds Investigation to obtain Olivia Hope and Ben Smarts DNA as a control for searching Scott Watson's vessel.
by linz4me on 09:50 am, 19 Dec 2010

sophier8 wrote:
Where is the evidence that there was any intimate swabs taken?
An intimate swap is a wipe taken from the inside of the mouth for DNA purposes It is just like a cotton bud but longer and the wipe on the inside of the cheek captures skin cell and saliva but of which contain DNA unique to the person. The Police Surgeon took it as a normal part of his check to match with DNA from the crime scene and was by then a standard procedure at a homicide.
Edited by linz4me at 8:33 pm, Mon 11 Oct

The procedure related to a person being taken INTO CUSTODY the strip search is ensure there are no concealed weapons or drugs on the person and can if the is a suspicion of internally concealed drugs an internal. The same procedure IS NOT done to witnesses or victims. The examining physician does have discretion on the examination and Dr Pride ask if he had any other bruises and David said "no" and in that he was correct and it is quite likely he was unaware of the scratches at that stage as he had had a busy morning and following the fight the bruises were visible the knee mark was visible but the scratches were likely not that visible or sore.
by linz4me on 08:04 pm, 04 Nov 2010

ss the trick of asking a witness a question where there is a "standard procedure" to be followed means the lawyer gets an affirmative reply that can be used later to cover a question not asked because the answer would weaken their case. Had the defender asked either of the two police in Dr Prides office the answer would have been no and that would weaken the defense case. DSS Doyle knew the procedure so who better the ask whether a strip examination is part of the procedure for a suspect, David was a suspect, again standard procedure, he was alive and ha been at the address. But it is very likely Dr Pride was aware of DI Robinson's considerable doubt of a murder, he fell heavily into the murder-suicide camp. But the defence had its "yes" answer to the correct procedure but it did not have an answer about the strip search having actually been done.
by linz4me on 04:09 pm, 10 Dec 2010

1/ Kennard here uses a typical Stockdale ploy of informing others of the truth from a 'secret' source, on a believe me I'm totally credible basis. Kennard goes onto repeat the 'mythical' oral swab and pronounce again that there was no sexual elements to the deaths all the while avoiding the reality that the tests made upon David (with his frank consent) were common to homicide situations where sexual 'element's might prevail. After all, there were 3 dead women in the house.

2/Here, Kennard, under pressure, removes his lofty presence to the 'safety' of the Scot Watson case (remember he has been asked by Chris, the father of Scot, to shut his yap on the subject) so to 'underline' his neutrality and reinforce his 'credibility' of recognising the innocent from the guilty. Of course he denys again that he has been asked to shut up and I have already published Kennard's own statements that attest to that.

3/Most interestingly here, Kennard takes on the role of defending Robin's siblings who have been hurt by his take of a Karam book and says 'I believe a man of integrity would have righted the incorrect information in the reprint. He didn't, he knowingly, it would appear, allowed false and misleading information to be republished as if it was true.' Just fine, isn't it - the guy lying about the strip search uses the word 'integrity' to promote something he knows is an absolute lie, and which he repeats time again.

4/ This the repeat by mantra to get the message across, no strip search and no intimate tests, made again on the coat tails of the case against Watson which despite Kennard's 'best' efforts
remains as qualified by 2 convictions, when of course David has been acquitted by a Jury and walks free.

5/ Here Kennard, prompted by bro William, again announces the 'facts' which do not exist. But which by repetition are given an apparent, if untruthful, life. This is a display of the conspiracy to sell the lies which Stockdale can then repeat at length, qualifying it at times as having come from 'someone' in the 'know.'

6/ Repeats the earlier distortions and confirms their 'existence' by repetition.

7/ Another repeat using abstractions to form a whole that doesn't exist and never has.

Kennard, Taylor, Stockdale, Fox, Rodie, van beynan, Parker, et al are exposed as filthy persecutors, along with their 'women' folk - they're rotten caught lying out basta..s


  1. A sad thing is that Linz is actually very much on the same side as Joe Karam in a lot of ways. He wants honesty and integrity in the handling of Scott Watson, as Karam does with Bain. By joining in the deliberate attack on Karam's reputation, he has undermined what could have been another string to Watson's bow, and has played patsy for the Bain cover-up.

  2. He's chosen to be a persecutor and at the same time promote his right to do so by repeating endlessly another case. The guy is a sick, twisted idiot and I can't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for those he hurts from his position of 'integrity.'

  3. If anything his knowledge of the Watson case should make him more aware of the issues and more careful about assumptions. He can't make any claim to 'integrity' with the conflict between his support of Watson and persecution of Bain. But obviously his understanding isn't that great, and his unpleasantness about Karam shows that it is a personal thing, not one of principle.

  4. Like most of his group, he is a hypocrite. One set of rules for him, and another set for everyone else. Your evidence proves him to be a liar. The sort of person Scott Wilson does not need on his side. It's no wonder he was told to back off.

  5. Yes he is a liar. He pronounces himself as a Christian, proffesses to be learned but uses the tools of the truely wicked. People that front up are not always that comfortable to others, but those like Stockdale and Kennard who stab others in the back with lies are beyond contempt.
    I'm fairly confident in saying that Scott Watson wouldn't ever approve of what Kennard has done to David Bain and probably hates his guts. Scott Watson survives in an environment where turncoats and liars are considered the enemy so I hardly think he would want the support of one.
