Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kennard again, schizophrenia goes wild.....

yes the peoples culture does play a part BUT someone in a position of power as Pope is/was is dangerous if he's willing to use his position and power to maliciously persecute and prosecute the innocent. Scot Watson was not his only victim, Vicki Calder was also a victim of his tunnel vision. and that is two too many.
linz4me (282 ) 8:43 pm, Wed 19 Jan #44

Oh dear, Kennard has a problem with those he thinks 'maliciously persecute' others. Look in the mirror sad sack, there's a whole file of you doing what you accuse others of - and it's all in your own words you fiddling idiot. If you need some comforting ask bro Trevor William Fox he's into di.ks, gets excited by the very thought of them.

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