Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not only did Robin Bain have the blood spatter

of one of his family on his right shoe, also his own dna deep in the rifle barrel, injured hands but he had blood smears on those damaged hands and fingers as well.

Idiots like Ralph Taylor had much fun over the false claim that the rifle had been wiped clean after Robin had shot himself. Very funny, but like everything that the dimwits do it comes back to bite them on the arse because they can't explain (short of admitting that Robin is the killer) how he managed to have blood smears on his hands and fingers - not spray folks but smears. I wonder why Sergeant Doyle didn't explain those smears in his evidence. There can only be one answer for that, he knew that Robin was the killer because a man shot with a close/hard contact shot to the temple collapses at the knees first - he doesn't in anyway move around making contact with bloody surfaces, only the killer did that and he was the one with smears on his hands before he killed himself.

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