Monday, November 22, 2010

Why would I need to join.........when the site is leaking?

Kent Parker I just got a request from a FB user to join the group called Bob Eachway (probably Nos) Obviously bogus. The trick if you know how is to join the person and then ban him immediately. This means that he cannot keep trying to join and has to go away and create a new FB profile. If you do it quick enough they do not have time to do much on our page.
47 minutes ago ·LikeUnlike · Comment · View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2)

Mike Stockdale Yes,I saw that.I was just having a laugh about it.I always leave it for others to give the ok.But a bob each way is too obvious,could be just a prank.
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

Kent Parker It should be Bob NoWay :)
24 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

1 comment:

  1. aw, how sweet, so nice to see that they're thinking of you Nos!
