Thursday, November 18, 2010

urbanhyms dimtwot you stalker...

Come out urby, don't sneak around in the bushes making phone calls and threatening people. Come on out scumbucket, bring your runaway girlfriends with you urbypervy pedo-pal. Bring out your fiddling and see how you go.


  1. Urban seems the slimy sort that would hide in bushes and look through peoples windows. Probably still lives with Mummy.

  2. He is a slimy lying pervo, not only searching through people's auctions (a' la Glenda OBrien, Annette Curran) but getting angry and ringing and threatening people.

    But in reality he's just another gutless pedo-supporter like Stockdale and Taylor, and just as easy to catch.

  3. urby is the all time 'stoopid' dumb ass of them all
