Saturday, November 20, 2010

Introducing Trevor William Fox... the much despised, stalker and liar - luckytrader...

Another stalker revealed. A step closer to understanding the mechanics and set up construction of the hate sites. Anybody who can reveal any information about this individual please do so, confidentiality of source guaranteed. I particularly want to know any information at all linking this 'man' to The Press, or attempts he may have made at intimidating and outing the Chch jury or any other individual. Important issues lie at stake, nzers need to know how so much misinformation can be supplied to the public over such an extended period of time by people already aware of the truth. Nzers need to know what bridges the gap, between on the one hand having an opinion and the right to for free voice, and on the other knowing the truth but being willing to subvert it and act in a criminal way to subvert not only the right for the public to have knowledge and be fairly informed, but to at all times have the right to make fair and informed decisions arising from accurate and truthful information, logic and common sense without pressure, being stalked or bullied.

The missing gap continues to be bridged and may one day be seen as a story within itself as to not only how a man is setup for false imprisonment and persecution but additionally what constitutes the components, and motivation to continue to harass him with accusations and lies when due process has finally found its way.

A message for you trader, there's more to come, and it will be out in the open with more courtesy and power than you could ever conjure from the dark.


  1. lucky-trader has gone uncharacteristically quiet?

  2. Seems so. Maybe Trevor should have been this quiet when he was plotting his stalking with wanakafan and Mike Stockdale. But there are several things I'm expecting him to reveal in the not too distant future. There is a lot more he can tell us, as others already are.
