Sunday, August 22, 2010

therafter, there after - Moron of the week by GNG

I think this week requires such an award. I hope others will agree. The first of these three posts might have done by itself, here the great therafter, there after, informs the world that prints are positioned 'from memory' as the result of a suggestion by the defence. Apparently it's not an accused person who might place his or her prints on a rifle it's done as a suggestion by the defence. If that's true I can see why some people think that lawyers are crooks, but I bet they never knew what therafter, thereafter does, that they also position prints on rifles.

Don’t be sorry, because I’m not wrong, the position that the identifiable prints were found in is completely and utterly disputable, and from memory the print position has come about as a result of a suggestion from the defence in order to try to explain away the fact that the prints WERE ON THE RIFLE and Robin’s WERE NOT !!!

Quotetherafter1 (13 ) 12:40 pm, Tue 17 Aug #21048

To add icing to the cake therafter, thereafter revealed more of his obsessional behaviour, discussing with what I presume are his clients, a murder/suicide case with 'rational logical questions.' What fun for them! Therafter, thereafter signs off with that one, no doubt fully satisfied with his display of insanity and obsessive behaviour. He's off to work!

My thoughts relate to a general daily consensus amongst people that I meet (and in my line of work I meet many, from all parts of NZ), and unfortunately for you lot (the minority) they all say the same thing, there is the odd dissenter, but a few rational logical questions in regards to the case soon has them wondering.

Enjoy your day paddling against the current, the sun is shining and I have early spring things to do outdoors before I need a silage making contractor to do it for me.

Quotetherafter1 (13 ) 12:01 pm, Sun 22 Aug #107

Hold on, he's back 9 minutes later having presumably made all the silage he needs for the season. He's more or less superman, or maybe supersilage. So happy with having worked down on the farm and taking a trip without leaving the property he decides to inform the uninformed that he hasn't needed to know any evidence about the Bain case, in fact he's not interested. Interestingly though he points out he's working from memory, a tantalising prospect for speculation. Was therafter, there after, there, when casey the dog died - did thereafter, the rafter have a brain transplant....?

My source is my memory, I do not have the trial transcripts and I wouldn't bother trying to obtain them. If I were interested in the trial transcripts tho I would want the transcripts of both trials, not just the transcript that would suit my agenda.

Now I'm off !

Quotetherafter1 (13 ) 12:10 pm, Sun 22 Aug #108

Hard to beat folks, commiserations to footinhismouth supergoose, linzwoe4me who was stalking again, and hymbo the hobo who revealed a new definition of what not guilty means.

1 comment:

  1. I think therafter is one paddle short for his raft.

    " My thoughts relate to a general daily consensus amongst people that I meet (and in my line of work I meet many, from all parts of NZ)".

    His line of work? Has anyone actually explained to him that talking to people at hate sites and on TM, isn't actually meeting people?

    I guess he could always discuss the pros and cons of the Bain case, whilst battling the white water. Anything is possible isn't it?

    This regular Tom Sawyer should let his lawns grow. The fresh smell of silage might disguise the smell of his persistant 'verbal diarrhoea.'
