Monday, August 5, 2013

If you'd like to help Teina Pora win his freedom you can sign here....

Only takes a couple of minutes and may help provide a blue print for the removal from the tangle of the legal straight jacket which the wrongfully imprisoned face. As well of course as giving Teina his life back.



  1. This will live in the Court for years until Justice prevails, there are a lot of issues under the Bill of Rights at issue here they won't simply go away.

  2. I really do find it extremely disturbing that Keane is hearing this case they might as well have picked a porn surfing judge. Having said that I have no objection to people surfing the web for porn but there is a time and place and that does not include on the job on Govt property. It shows extremely poor JUDGEMENT coincidentally.


    "Of course - and I never make statements about somebody's guilt or innocence because I don't know,'' she replied.

    "I am not in the court now ... what I know, from time to time there will be people who are wrongly convicted.'' Judith Collins.

    She is absolutely convinced David Bain is guilty her actions prove that beyond all doubt. Have we really got people in Parliament that are worthy and of all things capable of being there. Collins is not.

  4. Yes well remember the Barlow case
    and then Greg Kings final success
    say no more
