Thursday, December 22, 2011

Everyone knows that Kent Parker and Vic Purkiss are having a bad year....

What with their defences to the 100s of defamation charges they face being rejected in the High Court, Kent's 'launch' into international fame as a potential spokesman at the Justice Conference being held in Australia turning into a fizzer and kent and his girlie pals being reported to a cyber crime unit - surely something good  could be around the corner. Some little glimmer of hope that Kent won't after all be judged the moron of the decade or century even, something little like that to lift his and Vic's spirits. How much tough going can one expect to endure, the fall of the cards always going against them, unlucky in love and relationships, shunned by 'right thinking people,' openly laughed at by people in the street, considered on message boards as a nutter, nobody willing to give him money despite the most excruciatingly plaintive, exquisite begging. Just brings a tear to my eye, from laughter of course.

However, in  the true fashion of optimist morons I bet they think next year will be a humdinger, a real beaut. Maybe the law will change, or a cloud will pass over and the whole country will turn into morons and finally understand what the nutters are on about. But no, no, no, no. Beware the ides of March, as Shakespeare wrote of the soothsayer's warning, perhaps a few days less in time than the literal ides of March, but that is when Karam's book will be published. The hate-siters know the book as the one that will never be published, fat tony osook took great pleasure in announcing that it would never arrive - but surely it has, and it's appropriately called 'Trial By Ambush.'

What a fitting title, because Karam and David were beset by ambush. Over 25 detectives working for two years pre the re-trial to dig dirt and manufacture guilt in some way where all else had failed. Yes even police proposing to be experts in audio suddenly hearing 'confessions' oddly out of context but taken literally by Kent and the idiots as something 'important,' a rumour mill that wrongfully claimed 'event's committed by David to cast him in a bad light. Of course the rumour mill had a far broader base and we might even expect to see connections between the Chch Press 'award winning' journalist who misrepresented or omitted key forensic evidence against dear daddy. The forensic evidence is, according to the book description, a detailed narrative that will put to rest once and for all the answer to the Judge's question 'Who did it? David Bain. Robin Bain?'
I look forward to the detail of that and expect the book will rock the definition of Justice in New Zealand.

Perhaps it might go further to delve into the Trial By Ambush aspect and we may see some infamous names of hate-siters and their antics put under public scrutiny. And why shouldn't it, the harm they projected against an innocent man and another who would not turn away from him is unprecedented in NZ history, they need to be outed and perhaps this book or another will do it. In the meantime Kent and Vic and their miserable fellows can stew over Xmas and dread the coming year. Nice one folks, the ante is upped - just when you thought the pressure might come off. Dare I say, ha, ha, ha.

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