Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More from planet McVicar...

From the same 'press release.'

...'Mr. McVicar also took a swipe at Green M P Keith Locke and Mana's Annette Sykes who said Tasers were being used disproportionately on Maori and Pacific Islanders.'
"Mr. Locke and Ms. Sykes seem to conveniently overlook the fact that a corresponding 'disproportionate' number of Maori and Pacific Islanders are also committing the crime."
"Rather than blame the police, Mr. Locke and Ms. Sykes would be well-advised to have a look at their own ideology. The welfare state championed by the Greens and Mana Parties has created a festering resentment from those trapped by that mentality"
"The festering resentment and anger created by the "I want" welfare mentality is largely responsible for the violence the Police are confronted with."
"The feral environment the police face today has nothing to do with Tasers whatsoever."
"Dangerous mental health patients and volatile Maori or Pacific Islanders are not a Police creation. It is unfair and dishonest to try and make them the fall-guys."
"The Police job is to protect the public, not play nurse-maid to miss-fits and dead-beats created by badly mistaken social policies."
Poor old Garth he thinks the Green and Mana parties are responsible for the welfare state that superseded their own parties by over 70 years. Good arithmetic Garthy, you might get out of the dunces corner by christmas. But I can see his point, he may as well take a swipe everybody because it might relieve the pain of his haemorrhoid's. He must feel so frustrated being outed as a crook and having his henchmen wiped out of politics like a bad smell in the face of an air freshener.
He even borrows the word 'feral' from his mate Michael. He'll probably give him a call in the morning and ask Michael what he thought of the press release, point out that he's 'available' for a interview. So saucy.
Garth McVicar has nothing of substance to say, he's undermined by the fact that his most useful tool of trade, fear and anger, are spent commodities. He doesn't realise that people don't want walls built within our society, they want to be uplifted and realise what might have been the original kiwi dream - to give people a go, put a hand out to them, share respect, touch one another on the shoulder during difficult times and never to judge by race or colour, or choose something apparently unpopular to off load against with the sole intention of your own benefit. Bad luck Garth, you suck.

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