Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kent Parker - the rambling diatribe of a self-righteous nutter.

As we ponder if the idiot Parker has finally got a defence together on his hundreds of defamation charges he presents this crap to show how crazy he is - who needed to know?

The counterspin website has been created in conjunction with the Justice For Robin Bain Group which consists of about 40 active members and 600 passive members. The aims of this group are as follows:
To exonerate Robin Bain by revealing the true nature of the campaign against him by promoting the counterspin website and defending against Joe Karam's defamation
To prevent compensation being paid out to David Bain for "false imprisonment".
To prevent any further exploitation of the Bain case in the media and allow the Bain family to rest in peace.
David Bain now has his not guilty verdict. We wish him well and think that he should be allowed to get on with his life and make a contribution back to society.

The idiot thinks the law provides remedy for the allegedly defamed dead. Well, the law doesn't Kent. Wake up. If you are going to have an aim make it realistic pea brain, like getting to the toilet in the High Court without crapping yourself. However what the law does provide is Trial by Jury for those accused of crimes. The man you now wish well, had 2 such trials, in the first evidence was withheld that showed clearly enough that the investigation hadn't been proper and thorough, a target was picked - then evidence 'found' that suited and that which did not was ignored, and in some cases destroyed. It was plain enough for a Privy Council decision that there had been 'an actual miscarriage of justice' and a re-trial was ordered. He claims that the defamation case is the chance for him to 'defend' the Bain name and highlight the aims of the hate-siters, when in all reality the idiot never thought he would be sued and in moments of weakness has portrayed his real fear and having to defend his filth in public.

25 Police spent 2 years preparing for the re-trial. People such as Kent and those few in his dirty club went to work with rumour telling lies about the evidence, suggesting there had been confessions and all manner of things that would prejudice a fair trial. That's what Kent Parker and his dog mates did on the pretence of defending a man they never knew. But despite those efforts a jury returned a not guilty verdict 5 times in record time and David walked free.

At that point Parker and Purkiss (also charged with defamation) mounted a public smear campaign against Bain and his chief supporter Joe Karam. They made threats, published a bunch of lies in advertisements before the papers turned away from them. Meanwhile their 40 members (it was once hundreds if you can believe them) went stalking and threatening who ever they could they felt might jeopardise their plans to harass Karam and others, deliberately and criminally harass them.

Which arrives at the 2nd 'aim' of the depleted morons to prevent David being paid compensation. They're such idiots and continue to be that they don't recognise what due process is, they think they can interfere with it and that is why so many of them are now in Court.

The 3rd aim to prevent exploitation of the Bain case and to allow the family to rest in peace. I guess suckers are born all the time - but Parker continues to use the Bain name and uses it on his websites. He is the prime exploiter of the Bain case and the Bain name. He keeps it alive, more so now because the burbling idiot has the name re-entered into the Court system for a case that was never any of his business anyway and which he was always, like his twisted sister mates, incapable of understanding. This dirty piece of work is even shown in print to have encouraged his supporters to multi-vote in polls. He's a cheat and a liar. He cares nothing for anybody but himself and if he was to be believed he would be supping with kings now and be the leader of his own political party when in fact he's in 'last chance' saloon having not been able to understand the defamation charges against himself let alone a simple murder/suicide.

Perhaps most disgustingly of all he wishes David Bain well, while at the same time has a hate-site filled with hate and lies about David Bain. The man is a 24 hr spinner with no idea how transparent he is.

What has he achieved? 100s of charges against himself, being on the doorstep of bankruptcy, made himself a figure of mirth and ridicule constantly changing his position in an attempt to continue to mislead others and elevate himself in some way. And what does he have,? At least a feeling of what he has done to David Bain, because now he must frequent the Courts where he claimed he would never spend a minute with Joe Karam. And what does he have ahead? More of the same, more than he can handle. I doubt any of the Bain family approve of what he's done, stealing there name as an easy way to get cyber-space recognition for himself. And what has he achieved, ridicule, complete ridicule. Because people understand that if you have a proper cause, you never, never, never, break the law, abuse the trust of others, use without consent the name of others, try to utilise advantages for yourself. If you have the truth, you need never lie, promote lies, encourage others to lie because the truth is what will win through - perhaps that was the lesson for Kent to take from David Bain.

And as for wishing David well, how disgusting. Parker co-operated in publishing false confessions, putting abroad false stories about the jury and witnesses, encouraging biased radio and tv shows. He did everything a dishonest, hateful man would do and more. He need not worry about David, he need worry about what he owes this society for all the harm he has done.

Incidentally, up yours Kent.


  1. They no longer wish David well. Presumably the hypocrisy of that statement was too much for the more vindictive of the '40 active' members. What a telling change, revealing their true aims!

  2. Of course they don't wish David well, there campaign has been hate-driven and all their energy has come from hate. It remains for all time that Parker chose this case for his own benefit, to publicise himself using a known case. He is truely a hypocrite. He used David's name because for his sites for the obvious reason that he would more internet attention. For him to now speak about letting the family get on with their lives whilst continuing to use their name is beyond contempt.
