Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ralph Taylor bleating.

Ralph Taylor
Pythinia I was using opening up peoples mail as a valid analogy in my view to what xxxxxx is doing re violating peoples privacy on her blog and which the defence are I understand co-operating in closing it down.An action of her's that because it is done in cyberspace that you seem to trivialize.Nothing therefore it would seem again is sacrsanct and open slather on the Internet.I am certain that if you e.g.had young children caught up in this you'd feel very differently I believe.

Of course Ralph Taylor had no idea, even after Parker had been told in writing that the hate-sites had been infiltrated, that hundreds of pages of material were leaking. Above Taylor, who played a fundamental role in the support of stalking my family, reproves a cyber-space figure Pythinia that if she 'had young children caught up in this' she'd feel differently.

That's a big problem for the twisted sisters, they thought they had a right to stalk peoples family's but as seen above, felt that there was some difference if it happened to them. Well, the record shows no one stalked any of the hate-siter's families or even had an intention or inclination to do so, no one was stupid enough to think that breaking the law was the way to win an argument that at all but been settled my 5 not guilty verdicts. But the 'concern' of Taylor was that he was called a pedo-pal because he supported Robin Bain, and at the same time posted hundreds of lies about David, often laughing about them. He from the 'anonymous' position of Jeeves on TM continued his attacks and lies against David at length, and did so on the hate-sites using his real name. Now Trevor Fox, Kennard and others moan because they taste their own medicine, but no one stalked their families, they stalked and snooped and laughed about it with Annette Curran, Christine Williams, Maryanne Newton and Glenda O'Brien to the fore - how do I know this? Because I have it all, and I will get more, the private communications and planning - because someone is coughing up big time and despite no more being needed, I'll take it. Thanks.

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