Friday, July 8, 2011

'News' of the World...for Kent Parker

'Andy Coulson, who was editor of the paper when hacking was proven to have occurred, was told by police that the was to be arrested on Friday over claims that he knew about the hacking or was directly involved, the Guardian newspaper reported on Thursday night.'

Translated to our locality became.

'Kent Parker, who was owner of the hate-site when jury stalking and other stalking was proven to have occurred, was told by police that he was to be arrested over claims that he knew about the stalking or was directly involved, the local newspaper reported on Thursday night.'

And what the law says

Part 2
Criminal Harassment
Every person commits an offence who harasses another person in any case where-
(a)the first-mentioned person intends that harassment to cause that other person to fear---
(i) that other person's safety; or
(ii)the safety of any person with whom that person is in a family relationship

Don't be so glum Kent, you provided all the evidence yourself...good boy. No use trying to tell on your mates Kenty, they told on themselves.

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