Monday, May 30, 2011

Ralph Taylor - more of what you hate to hear.....

Well Ralph, you didn't want to know that in less than 9% of suicides by long arms are fingerprints found on the rifle. That was evidence at the Trial and also supplied by parapenter (from memory) some time after the trial. There also happens to a peer-reviewed European study that puts the figure at less than 7% but rather than research that yourself you choose to badger others for their sources while (such as was the case with the blood in the barrel of the rifle Robin Bain shot himself with) providing no evidence or proof of your own claims, absolutely none.

Well, here's something else you don't want to know, but which you should have researched before persecuting David Bain with your lies, from Department of Forensic Medicine, Unirversity of Dundee, Lecture notes copyrighted by Derrick J Pounder in 1993 - before the Bain murders/suicide!

Under main heading: Ballistics
and sub heading: Bullet individual characteristics:

at end of section and para....

'Fingerprints are rarely recovered from firearms but may be obtained from cartridge cases.'

And additionally under the final heading: Gunshot Suicide...

'Suicide handgun wounds occur primarily to the head (80%), the chest (15%) and abdomen (<5%) being less common. Within the head the common sites, in decreasing order of frequency, are temple, mouth, under surface of chin and forehead. An unusual location raises a presumption of homicide.

Suicidal shotgun wounds show the same site preference as handguns. Rifle wounds show a distribution of head 50%, chest 35%, abdomen 15%.'

You might like to point out the later quotes to your fat friend osook who has claimed that Robin, if suiciding would have preferred to shoot himself in the mouth, much like you and osook have shot yourselves in the foot numerous times.

These are things you should have been able to understand if not research before you got on your persecution bandwagon Taylor. These are the type of statistics, that added to the tell-tale forensic evidence against Robin Bain, such as no splatter shielding across the lounge floor or curtain, the blood in the rifle, the spatter on Robin's hands, the spatter on his shoes occluded from being from his own wound, the only person to die that morning with an upward trajectory shot and the only person with battered and bloodied hands, a full bladder and no underwear - all showing why David Bain should never have been charged and most certainly not before the forensics evidence was assessed, rather than (as in some cases) thrown away.

Anyway Taylor I look forward to your proof, and the reason why you've badgered others, of peer reviewed material that denies that fingerprints on suicide weapons are 'rare' or that there are findings greater than 7-9% of fingerprints on suicide firearms. If you're not just a lying hate-messenger you'll have all that at your fingertips won't you Ralphie?

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