Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fiddler Bros at work.

Trade Me Support

This poster, previously banned as Kirkmaiden, continues to harass and defame David Bain, by asking for evidence against the paedophile father whom it was decided by the Jury killed the Bain family. Trade Me are assisting this harassment by allowing sophier, and goldnkiwi, in particular to keep bumping a thread that has long passed it's use by date. They only do this to facilitate hate against David and others, Trade Me should not be allowing this to happen and by doing so are complicit in the damaged caused.

If these two weren't such idiots they'd try to address the forensic proof against the father, but they can't, nor could the Crown. Leaving the conclusion for all time that the absence of evidence against the son is the proof against the father, along with his blood being inside the rifle and somebody else's blood spatter on his shoe.

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