Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sir Ed out in the cold.....

First this from today's news....

'Saxmere's case has been rejected by the High Court and Court of Appeal.
In its decision released today the Supreme Court said any challenges to those decisions had no grounds to proceed.
"We are not persuaded that there is any good reason in the public interest for hearing the appeal," the Supreme Court justices said.
The case led to the resignation last year of Supreme Court Justice Bill Wilson, after he failed, while sitting on the Court of Appeal which was considering the case, to step down or make full disclosure of his business and financial relationship with the Wool Board's lawyer Alan Galbraith.
In a statement this afternoon, the Wool Board called today's decision "the end of a long and tortuous road".
Wool Board Disestablishment Company Limited (DisCo) chairman Bruce Munro said the board always believed it had acted lawfully.
Mr Munro said it had been very frustrating that the case had been extended through accusations of apparent bias of Justice Wilson.
"The judgment confirms there was no real bias. The facts of the case were against Saxmere from the outset," he said.'

For those that remember this, Sir Edmond Cooke 'broke' the story last year about Justice Bill Wilson being 'beholden' to counsel representing the Woolboard in the above case, Alan Galbraith. Some information had been passed to Sir Ed more for advice, so a conversation in passing, a confidence, that he broke by writing to The Judicial Conduct Commissioner and announcing it to the press before the matter had been considered. The Commissioner, no doubt aware of the publicity already created by Sir Ed's public preening and paw licking, sent the matter for an unprecedented panel investigation into what Bill Wilson should have revealed, Bill Wilson sought a Judicial Review of The Commissioner's decision and won in that it was 'sent' back to the Commissioner to be reconsidered.

Not long after Judith Collins commented on a severance package for Bill Wilson who had announced (after negotiations with the Crown) his resignation. Judith Collins revealed that Bill Wilson had asked for a higher amount casting him in a bad light and breaking what I would assume would be a normal protocol to not make details of the negotiations public. Around Xmas Sir Ed The Brave was in the running for NZer of the year or some similar recognition and in an interview rather grandly congratulated himself on the 'dispatching' of Bill Wilson forgetting to mention that the Commissioner decision was upended, effectively along with Sir Ed's complaint.

Sir Ed had at the outset applied his opinion of how Bill Wilson was beholding without knowing the facts, and heightened details of a financial arrangement/partnership that to his mind showed reason why Bill Wilson was beholding to Counsel, and got himself in a state of excitement about it, a frenzy even. Ultimately his interpretation (unfortunately and unwisely made public in Ed's excitement) was rejected and common sense prevailed.

And today Sir Ed is shoved further out into the cold by the Supreme Court who fortunately took the opportunity to say 'there was no real bias.' I assume Bill Wilson will get some satisfaction from that but in reality his career, his right to due process was diminished, negated by a white Knight riding his horse backwards and wondering where the horse's head was and why it was going the wrong way.

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