Friday, February 18, 2011

It's fairly clear that the hate-siters have a lot on their

plates. What started out as a feast has turned to manure. I guess it wouldn't be so bad for them to be in retreat if they had achieved something, but all they've really achieved is being brought to Justice. They claimed to be upholding Justice for Robin Bain when they got into their law breaking. They were full of self-righteousness, a common cause, splinter interests from pedo-supporters through to Police cover ups.

But when you think about it those splinter interests were always going to work against each other, particularly so when under the control of idiots like Stockdale and Parker whose major interest was in themselves and self-promotion. Van beynan, somewhere between finding fertile prejudice to promote himself and enhancing his reputation and favouritism with Police. The bros, the pedo-hiders, the righteous, the religious punishing angels, the purely bad who wished just for hangings or expression of hangings to saliva over. The mix was never going to work even before they entered in law breaking. How easily they defeated themselves, those that now whimper and hide.

But I'm grateful to the pen of Stockdale, in establishing the links and splinter groups in a most revealing way. He's done well in his self-betrayal.

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