Tuesday, December 21, 2010

sweetad...high as a kite or on the edge of a breakdown?

Its sella Linz, they took over Zillion awhile ago. You find that truth and well put literate arguements are often unpopular as they enhance cognitive dissonance. Being in a state of perpetual flux with what you believe and the evidence presented in front of you to counteract that belief is always very daunting.

Quotesweet_ad (151 ) 8:43 pm, Mon 20 Dec #31268


  1. hooray, the nuts have taken off to sella. Maybe time for to join the fray and spread some not so christmas cheer over there.

  2. Good god woman!! What are you on Melanie? Change doctors urgently as your rambling is getting worse by the day dear sweet ad. Fighting a rear guard action now with the mighty super idiot leading the way. Whoops, the troops are not following.

  3. smashmouth please be nice to them, shout them some pain killers.

  4. Anonymous...the troops are not following, they've all had a gutsful of super idiot doing all the fiddling himself.
