Thursday, December 30, 2010

The new evidence the liar phae on TM wants to mislead the public about....

Phae, you are a lying idiot. You are a persecuting dog.

A brief summary:

>fresh blood on two pairs of trousers in Robin's caravan
>a bloodied hair on the sweatshirt in the commer van
>the footprints: first trial said that they must be David's because they matched the (unstretched) length of his socks (280mm). Second trial showed David's feet to be considerably longer (300mm)
>blood inside the barrel of the rifle showing the shot to Robin being a close contact shot
>Laniet was shot through something and this intervening something introduced yaw in the bullet creating a larger entrance wound: not a contact would as previously thought.
>Laniet had told several people that her father molested her (possible motive, not brought out at first trial)
>The fingerprints on the rifle from David could not have been blood
>there were numerous other prints on the rifle (partial/unidentifiable)
>the proposition of Robin shooting himself being impossible or extremely difficult was shown to be false and that it was relatively easy
>the blood spatter evidence was new
>the blood spatter evidence that showed the blood and brain spatter on Robin's shoe wasn't his own
>the blood spatter evidence which showed their was no screen (a gunman) between Robin and the spread of the spatter
>the blood spatter evidence which showed that had a gunman been involved in Robin's death the shot would have been impossible without a required distorted pose from Robin (perhaps standing on a chair)
>the blood spatter evidence which showed that the gunman would have needed Robin's co-operation in own death and anyway would have been impossible not to have left a 'shielded' area in the spatter
>DNA evidence was new
>the information about the doubt about the lens placement was new
>the details of the computer turn-on timng was new
>the details or the washing machine cycle duration was new
>some of the details of the blood-staining was new (eg in the first trial the stain on the back of David's shirt was an 'old' stain pre-dating the murders)
>The flap of skin found in Stephens room and 'said' to be Davids was proven to be Stephens.

Overall the forensic proof proves Robin the killer.

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