Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy new year from Goodnewsguy....

I'd just thought I'd sign off for the new year, kiss all the rellies and make a few promises I'll never keep. I'd like to get something off my chest and say that maybe I did eat a drumstick off that stuffed chicken that was cooling by the hot plate, but I never ate no stuffing and that bothers me because there's nothing like the stuffing you never ate.

I know there's been some talk that me and Nos aren't talking since, well since ,I had to sell his fridge to pay my rent and, as anybody would understand that I had to use his truck to get it to the pawn shop, I pawned the truck as well. It was only a bloody truck, and I've offered to make him a cd of me going 'brmm brmm nos' with a live air horn sounding in the background and simulated rough gear change noises that he doesn't talk like to talk about.

Though apart from, life hasn't been too bad in the hen house this year with those Rhode island reds and that fox I won't let out. There's nothing like a fox in the hen house just so you can keep an eye on it and listen to all those sly fox stories once the lights go out and the fox's eyes shine red.

I might catch a train south next year, or maybe I'll hang around.

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