Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Lindsay Kennard: From Doctor Goodnewsguy.

Dear Lindsay,
There may be an upside to having a mackerel in your bottom after all, and I hope the news might cheer you up from the disappointment you must have felt being told that you hadn't grown a tail as you first hoped.
I have taken the liberty on your behalf of contacting the Guinness World Records organisation and sent them the photos. This afternoon I had a call from one of the research officers of Guinness World Records who has confirmed that it is almost a certainty that you will appear in next year's book for the record of having caught the biggest mackerel to date of anyone who has caught a mackerel in their bottom. Not only that, but you will be specially noted as the only person on record as having caught a mackerel in such a way.
It appears that your bottom is on its way to becoming famous worldwide. Congratulations.

All the Best, you old mackerel, sea hook bum you.

Dr Goodnewsguy.


  1. Never post drunk or when you have forgotten to take your medication. A classic example here from the retarded Mr Linz4me

    In other words his long vision was fine but he needed glasses to read, but he needed to longer arms or glasses to read.

    Edited by linz4me at 7:40 pm, Wed 20 Oct

    * Quote

    linz4me (276 ) 7:32 pm, Wed 20 Oct #28446

  2. If I didn't know better I'd suspect that he's posting with a mackerel up his bottom.
