Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Double jeopardy for the nutters?

First of all Kenty girl has been told that what leaks from his hate-site is his responsibility, indeed whether the leak is in Contempt of Court or defamatory. But how is this, 2 whizz bang nuts, soppylips and dustforbrains, are citing the arrival of court restrained information into their care. Just for the drrh brains, Contempt is criminal, like stalking that dustproof, superidiot and spewpoo have undertaken, defamation is civil - these guys, thanks to campmother have got all the bases covered.


  1. Counterspinning Counterspin

    Looks like Campmother has been a joke to many, for a long time.

    "I took a sniff around CounterSpin, this new ‘site’ that attempts to unravel the spin, I left sensing bullshit." quote from tumeke.

    Strange that, so do I!

    "Also of note is the fact that it is not a blog which has a level of interaction where as access on CounterSpin is tightly controlled to allow other talk hate radio fantasists a cyber space to act out on-line group therapy sessions."

    That was a year ago, obviously the group therapy sessions haven't worked!

  2. Congrats Nostalgia-NZ on reaching 700 unique visitors. At this rate, your blog visitors will eclipse that shonky petition with the suspect 1935 signatures before the end of the year.
