Thursday, August 5, 2010

linz4me - swatting a fly.

I wonder when you swat a fly such as Lindsey Kennard or linz4me. From what I understand he has been a Trade Me member for some time and I've watched his apparent disintergration from relatively lucid and informed to becoming a stalker. As far as I know linz4me hadn't displayed being a stalker until after he joined the hate-sites.

He's often laboured the boards when long posts that make no sense and which he repeats at length. More unfortunate is the revelation about his life, failed marriages, suicide attempts poor mental health etc. Things which generally passed without comment from other posters or at times with sympathy. The frequency of the 'woe is me' tales increased after Kennard claims to have been named in the High Court Proceedings as a defamer, he was most offended about this and claimed he would be working full time on his defence. He, also you might remember, is the originator of the idea that an anonymous person can be defamed. Should I not have identified him here already I would be safe in principle from the things I shall go on to write about here. The fact that I have named him, I hope I make it clear, is because what I shall write is the truth, the truth being, as Oscar Wilde discovered, a complete defence against accusations of defamation. So sue kennard if you dare.

I think that 'allowances' have been made for Kennard for some time has dulled his mind to reality. Trade Me have 'entertained' complaints that he has been defamed by posters who claimed he was a drunk or mixing medication with alcohol, claims that offended Kennard so much that he complained as his anonymous feelings were hurt. Poor, poor Kennard. Recently, a poster made a general comment about inappropriate relationships between fathers and daughters, such as those levelled against Robin Bain by his own daughter. For some reason, yet to be determined, Kennard took this an accusation against himself to the loud trumpeting and wailing by his sister hate-siters.

Replete with anguish, Kennard made the remarkable statement that one of his previous wifes had levelled the same accusations against him during a divorce - a claim unknown to that point in time on the boards as far as I know. He got in a real spin, talking about his time in psychiatric hospitals in a display that I don't think anybody really wanted to witness because if it was true it was too personal to be raised in a thread that was addressing other matters. Shortly after, someone offered Kennard the sage advice that he was revealing too much on the boards and suggested he give it some thought. This person was a poster who held different views from Kennard, and who had, unfortunately been stalked and targetted by members of Kennard's own sites.

With respect that nothing is really black and white, others, with Kennard's similar persuasion, thanked the poster in a cordial way that did credit to the belief that opposing views do not have to engender hate. It seemed to be a moment to remember in a long period of adversity and competing views that the power of goodwill was not to be underestimated. Oh, should the story of these two have been left there, a different stage set with respect and no small amount of honesty as the main props. But the bewildering mind of Kennard led in back to the darkness, to the throne where hate and ignorance held court. There for him, this man, this coward of a man, to stalk and out the helper that offered him water where he lay dreaming in a delirium of bitterness.

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