Tuesday, August 24, 2010

linz4me pushing his barrow

I make few statements of fact in the this as I don't documentation to support.
My stance is based, in the main, on a personal belief that the likelihood of Robin Bain being able to commit suicide in any of the manners demonstrated is only faintly possible. I have some personal experience and have spoke with others that have attempted suicide and from that, can say the methods just fit as males specially tend to use the easiest and most lethal method.
Elaborate preparation is not a consideration ease and positivity of result is the primary consideration.

Quotelinz4me (274 ) 7:41 pm, Tue 24 Aug #22792

I guess old kennard is trying to say he tried to shoot himself in the head but missed. And that therefore he isn't just a sad old kennard but an expert of other similar types (Robin Bain) as well, forgetting for the moment that dear Robin didn't miss. He got himself right where he aimed for, the left temple.

Sad Kennard feels some empathy toward Robin Bain, because sad Kennard claims that someone said he was fiddler as well, but not in an orchestra. He apparently feels a fiddler's unity with dead daddy Robin from what he says above as 'I have some personal experience.'


  1. So he tried and failed, and now he's an expert on how to do it? The only thing he's an expert on, is how NOT to do it right.

  2. Poor old linz I once tried to explain to him that by the time the dive squad had been called in to search for the Sounds couple it was too late. The investigation team had been advised that sea lice would have stripped the bodies clean. Linz claimed there were no lice in the sounds. Ridiculous considering salmon farming is done at the top of the sounds to avoid contact with sea lice. Another disciple of the mad messiah.
