Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's sort of nice to be missed even if its only by stalkers and pedo supporters.

Thanks folks for all kind words.

Here's an interesting one from nutbrow...

I agree. The blogs are however very interesting to one particular organization now so we don't need to bother to monitor them any more.

Quotemisspw (65 ) 1:19 pm, Fri 24 Sep #27631

And I see she or he wants me to write a book in the vain hope that he or she will have the chance to sue me. Well misspw, I know you have dribble and toiletry problems but of course there will be social agencies to help out with that. As far as being a half-wit I don't think there is any cure for you, Ralph and the other pedo supporters. The patriotic fervour you invoke doesn't cut the mustard because persecution is a hate crime and most folks don't agree with that, or with fiddling. Of course if you weren't a halfwit stalker you'd realise that naming you publicly Christine Williams as a stalker is provable from your very own words spoken in your foul breath.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I thought by now, misspw would have learned to keep her big mouth shut. It's too embarassing seeing all that drivel spouting out of her. Poor Chrissy, I think mouthwash will help with that foul breath.
