Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All peachy peachy on the hate-sites?

Membership falling, 'right thinking nzers' leaving in droves. Additional members due for Court scrutiny, links being proven to SST and ChCh Press, to stalking and laying false complaints. Sites shut down and silenced, paranoia reigning supreme, no media interest except in the gory details of the collapse of the 'enlightened' ones. Remaining members disproving of Kent Parker and Annette Curran, blaming them for the troubles. Infighting rife, bs still to the fore stroking Parker and Stockdale's ego, Taylor trapped? Melanie White still lonely, kalnovitch still spitting tacks and Christine Williams plaiting a noose from her own grey locks. In all a deep silence, no boasts, no pledges, no petition, no stamina and no where to hide. All peachy peachy then, just a few more stalkers and crooks to round up. Keep the information coming folks, all evidence is good.


  1. Yes, the membership of the JFRB site has dropped by almost 15% in the past 3 months. Mind you in the same time 7 people signed their petition. At that rate they should hit 2,000 signatures some time in 2015. Poor old sweet_ad (Melanie) still looking for friends, but bloody hell, she needs to scrub up a bit, that profile photo is a shocker.

  2. Yes, she could do with a bloody good scrub up. She has the tenacity of an ox, and the looks of one as well. She desperately throws herself at kent's feet even when she must surely realise Kent prefers himself and stalking other people's children.

  3. Do with a blood good scrub up? Are you kidding, both her and the partner in the photo look like a couple of scrubbers, or hookers, to be precise! It's a wonder she has time for photos with all her fictional story writing, which Kent likes to publish as witness statements.
