Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh look, Maryanne Newton - claiming to have a conscience.

Old stalker Maryanne Newton, becoming holier than thou.

Nearly made me throw up reading this part of the article - how dare he? DB and JK have sunk to new depths trying to use the emotions of this poor young woman to promote their own agenda. Karma come on!!

Quotedustproof (48 ) 8:21 am, Mon 25 Oct #30

This fully documented stalker, and a hate-siter, is worried about the emotions of Rochelle Crewe. Well Christine, what about the emotions of the families you stalked, the pictures of children you looked at and discussed on a hate-site that you didn't know was airing live in cyberspace?

Don't adopt the emotions of Rochelle Crewe, she doesn't need the help of a stalking hate-siter. Hasn't the penny dropped Maryanne Newton? The game is up, you publicly outed yourself. Don't try to recover ground by tendering false emotion for somebody you don't know. Rochelle Crewe doesn't need the help of propagandists, hate-siters and stalkers whose ambition is to persecute people they don't know. She wants the truth, and one truth we all know is that you are a stalker of children, just like rotten robin - go hang out with your pedo mates.


  1. I'm like Maryanne, I can't wait for Karma to happen. Then maybe Maryanne will get what's coming to her for her stalking, and nasty hateful acts towards anyone that doesn't agree with her.

  2. This poor young woman was 18 mths old when her parents were murdered. She is now almost 38 years of age. How old is Maryanne, if she considers 38 young?

  3. Like all persecutors she only really cares for herself and her need to spread the poison and malice that absorbs her.

  4. FFS, do us all a favour dustie and join the circus. There's a opening just for you as the stupidest woman alive!

  5. Unfortunately she's banned from ever working in a circus again because she's cruel to animals. Even her cat ran away.
